Friday, August 1, 2008

Practice day 2

We had another great soaring day, with the best conditions and fastest speeds of the contest so far.  The open class winner was 144 km/hr the 18 m at 140 km/hr and the 15 m was 138 km/hr.
I posted a speed of 128 km/hr, so I am happy with that.
The course for the day took us under the 6500 ft outer ring of the Berlin Terminal area to the first turnpoint, then across the same wetlands on the second leg as yesterday, and finally along the high sandy pine forests for the way home.  For the practice days the task setter is trying to show us all of the areas, good and bad.
The wetland area has lots of little lakes and streams and for the past couple of days has required about a 30 km glide to get across it.  Fortunately we were able to climb enough before crossing that the arrival on the far side was at 3500 ft, straight into a 6 kt thermal under some good looking cu.
The third leg, following the sandy pine forests was the best leg with cloud base at 8000 AGL and little need to circle for about 95 km along the cloud street.  At the Elbe River, the cloud street suddenly ended and I had to deviate across the river to another cloud street where I was able to pick up 5 kts for a 2800 ft climb to get on final glide and then zip home at about 100 kts.

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