Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 1

Well to say that today was a tough day is a bit of an understatement! Fortunately, the 15 m class had the easiest time compared tothe other classes. We had an area task while the 18 m and Open had assigned tasks, forcing them to reach 0.5 km cylinders.

The weather was forecast to be flyable, but there would be significant spread out and cycling as the clouds shaded the ground. This caused many 18 m pilots to land out near their first turnpoint.

We had a good cloudstreet running to our first turn, then lots of shade an no cu for the second leg. I elected to back track down the first leg ( a big deviation) and then try to hit the second turn from the north.

As I entered the second turn area I met up with a gaggle of gliders that I had been with atth first turn, so things looked OK. By the time I entered the third turn area, I had about 40 minutes left to cover 75 km, so I turned short in the third cylinder and made it home 4 minutes over time.

I am really curious to see where the fast (120 km/hr) pilots went to make up the extra distance!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice going Dave!
These are the days to NOT loose too many points, it's a matter of surviving.
Keep up the good work!
