Friday, August 15, 2008

Day 8 - more cirrus

The task for today was a 422 km triangle to the east and then south.  The eastern most turnpoint was in Poland as was most of the second leg.  The run to the first turn was quite good and I averaged 134 km/hr.  Then the cirrus came in for the second leg.  My speed on this leg was a meager 66 km/hr!  In hind sight I deviated too much to chase the cu and flew 123 km to cover the leg distance of 88 km.
On the third leg I was able to connect with the gaggle of the British and French Teams and thought that we were doing well, as it turns out they were having a bad day and our gaggle was 20 km/hr slower then the rest of the class.  In this gaggle were 5 of the top 10 pilots in our class, so I thought I was in good company.  Our gaggle averaged 2.3 knot lift on the 173 km leg home and the other gaggles in front of us averaged over 3 kts.
Tomorrow is the last day and it looks like a rain day.


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