Wednesday, July 30, 2008

First official practice day

Yesterday was the first practise day and the same assigned area task of about 300-500 km was set for all the classes.  Lift was 5-6 kts and I had a good run down the first and second legs under cu based about 7000 AGL.  After the second turn, the sky was blue and the leg took us over a lot of little lakes.  I had a long glide of about 30 km with no lift and eventually found some weak (2 kt) thermals to keep moving towards the thrid turn and was now working 2500-4500 AGL.  To throw another wrench into the mix, high cirrus from an approaching cold front was now shading the way home.
I worked a weak thermal just inside the third turn area and gained enough height to glide over the class D control zone on the way home. I was abe to follow the edge of the cirrus shadow and the forests for about 30 km and eventually saw a dust devil kicking off ahead of me and at 2000 AGL took a 2 kt climb.  Then my flarm showed traffic ahead and above me and when I looked for it I saw an ASW-22 climbing better then me about 1 km away.  I joined him and took a 2.5 kt climb to final glide height and came home. 
It was good to get home, since I saw at least one glider on the ground on the third leg and then the cirrus shutting us down of the fourth leg, but I was slow again with 99.5 km/hr over 412 km and the top speed in the 15 m class was 127 km/hr over 465 km!

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